McKean County, Pennsylvania

Route 6 through Pennsylvania, and it predecessor the Roosevelt Highway, has no shortage of places to eat, drink, and lodge. Here is the Arlington Hotel in Kane. (July 1999 photo)


Old and new roads. The old brick road parallels the current Route 6 in Kanesholm (July 1999 photo)


This 1920s gas station struck a prominent visual pose at the intersection of Routes 6 and 219. Route 219 was, and is, known as the Pittsburgh-Buffalo Highway. (Curt Teich Postcard Archives, Lake County Illinois Discovery Museum)




The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Nebo Chapel is visible through the trees from Route 6 in Mt. Jewett. The octagonal church was built in 1887, patterned after Ersta Kyrka at Danviken, near Stockholm. (July1999 photo)

The Kinzua Bridge is about two miles from Route 6, just northeast of Mt. Jewett. (1930s postcard)
Another of the many 1920s and 1930s postcards that touted the scenic pleasures of travelling Route 6 across Pennsylvania.  

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